Rebecca Mannerly
Monday, March 2, 2015
Be My Guest
Please read and leave a comment if these titles make an impression on you too. I honestly found them poetic within themselves telling of the American Dream as they are written. Oh, and the book was great too.
life brimming
glamorous destinations across the globe
decades of turbulence
decades of prosperity
thoroughly engaging saga
living up to a legend
help bring the world closer together
personal memoir
resonates with faith
phenomenal success
story of success
story of inspiration
inspiration in life
legend of the world
spectacular rise
rewrite boundless opportunity
rewrite boundless opportunity of the American Dream
The American Dream
You've Got to dream
growing pains
learning - here and there
a panic, a hotel and three girls
politician, banker, capitalist
to texas via paris, france
innkeeper, texas style
a million dollar mountain, a red hat
the only gilt-edge security
pushing out the horizons
how big can you dream?
the sky is the limit
Horizons unlimited
there is an art to living
I was recently reading a book about Conrad Hilton, the namesake of the Hilton Hotel brand. I was drawn to this book because I was employed at the Hartford Hilton in Connecticut early in my career. As a manager, I learned to admire the Hilton Standards and bring these standards into my personal thoughts of what I think makes something excellent. The Hilton Standards are what the hotel's bases their quality of service for their guest @Hilton.
Your Presence is Requested
Sunday, March 1, 2015
The Rational Way to End Our Loneliness
Can you imagine how we would look to visiting aliens?
They would think we were crazy. They'd see single men and single women, most of whom are unhappy to some degree with their lack of coupledness. The men want women. And the women want men. And there are lots of men and lots of women. They crowd dance floors together - scores of them (us) packed in together in dark rooms. They travel miles to picnics and discussions and wine tastings and parties. They swarm to beaches and singles bars and concerts and crabfests. But they don't get together. Sometimes when they're in discussion groups together, they lament their singleness, tell woeful tales of unrequited attempts at togetherness, decry the character flaws of their former other halves. It breaks your heart to hear some of their stories.
Seeing all this, an alien would be dumbfounded. Why suffer when the solution seems so obvious?
Get together.
Just do it.
Quit your belly aching.
If he spoke English and didn't get green ooze all over everything he touched, an alien would probably grab people at random and say, "Here, you go with him and you go with her."
Of course, it wouldn't work. People would separate as quickly as they were united because earthlings have to be turned on first. And aliens have no concept of what it takes to turn someone on. Actually,
I'm not sure myself.
It cannot be forced at all, IT somehow, just happens.
But once IT happens, the connection between woman and man doesn't separate very easily.
Have you recently been around a newly in-love couple? It is the same with everyone with every generation, at any decade. The talking, the racing pulse, the blushing, the excitement reflected in their voices. The google eyes they make as our eyes glass over when they, once again speak on their new favorite topic.... themselves - their new found love - their couple-hoodedness.
aliens to love - aliens of how to make the connection - aliens waiting for our turn - aliens in love.
Once You Find Your Mate
Your Presence is Requested
I have been debating this as-of-late and decidedly say, No. Social graces are still beating wildly in our society, very much alive and breathing heavily, (er, well, you know what I mean...)
If on any given day you just walk outside to your mailbox around mid-February you just might get an expensive envelope with a thicker and quality grade paper addressed to you in beautiful calligraphy.
You remember... The Mailbox...? You know... that metal box outside your home where the postal delivery driver passes by just about everyday because you handle everything digitally now.
Remember now?
Anyway, moving on, let's focus.
This envelope houses fine paper, shiny golden borders and fancy
language. Beautifully scripted words will state: "your presence is requested as an honored guest at the wedding of and you are cordially invited to attend the wedding of".
Where then you know how to save-the-date, RSVP and buy a gift.
We certainly have not lost our way in the world of instant gratification, technology and inside our many gadgets. We still love to be invited to grand celebrations only now we have #HASHTAGS# to post our pictures and social pages to brag about how great we look in our best gala attire.
Grandma, don't give up on us yet. We mind out "P's", "Q's" and "RSVPs" we just may do them via text and social media. Visit: The I Do Plan
#SocialGraces #You'reInvited #YouNeverGoToYourMailbox #ModernGranniesRunsMarathonsWhileTexting
Thursday, January 16, 2014
May They Have Peace
Did you know that we prosper when we pray for other people? This is what intercessory prayer is about; standing in the gap for others.
God works on this earth through humans, and he needs us to pray for others. Paul often asked others to pray for him through out His writings as stated in 2 Thes. 3:1, "Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of The Lord will spread rapidity and be glorified, just as it did also with you."
When we pray we have peace within our selves about our own needs, and we can release that peace to others through intercession.
The apostle Paul set the greatest example of what it means for our soul to prosper in Philippians 4:12 that says, "I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstances I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need." Paul had His priorities straight here, for he was thankful and grateful for everything that God had given him; no matter how much or how little.
"Paul's secret to contentment, and ours too, is to Trust God that He is who he says He is. We need to rely on God's power and strength, not our own. Paul focused on what he should be doing instead of what he did not have. Sometimes it's beneficial for us not to have all of the material things we desire. Often our desire for more is just a longing to fill a void in our life."
A void in us hurts. By praying and seeking God to fill our empty, hurting and longing spirit we get peace joy and a firm hand thst leads us to contentment.
How can I intercede in prayer for you?
God a Bless You.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Romance, It's Not Just for Valentine's Day
When it comes to romance killers, nothing works faster than pressure. Of course, you want your romantic evening to go just as you planned, but it's far more important to roll with the punches rather then freak out and start crying if dinner gets a little burnt or if at the end of the night you just feel like cuddling.
This also goes for the pressure you place on your partner during your romantic rendezvous. At the end of the night what really matters is that you spent time together just enjoying each other's company as a couple. While dressing up and redecorating your living room for the evening can be fun and help get you in a romantic mood, the idea of "escaping" your daily life is so you can concentrate on each other instead. Keep your focus on that simple fact and you can create a romantic evening at home anytime.
Romance from Heart and Hand
If romance is all about the little things, it's also about the effort we put into them. While there is no need to drive yourself crazy planning every miniscule detail, putting in a little extra effort to do something special can really show your partner how much you value them.
Making a present as opposed to buying one is an economical and endearing way to show your partner you care about your relationship. Something as simple as cooking a meal featuring your partner's favorite foods, creating a CD or iPod playlist of special songs that remind you of your sweetie, or even making a card for them out of construction paper or other items around your house can be a perfectly thoughtful component to your romantic life together.
Really, it's the little things you do for your partner that show that you value and love them.
Ah, Romance It's not just for Valentine's Day Part 2
Some ideas to get your mind focused on creating a romantic atmosphere.
The Exotic Vacation at Home
For many people, the idea of being on vacation at some exotic destination is incredibly romantic. You can recreate this concept at home with a little planning and creativity. Once again, you need to choose your "inspiration location" based on a place you and your partner think is romantic, such as Morocco, Jamaica, Fiji, Italy, Paris etc.
This type of romantic evening can be just as much fun to plan as it will be to enjoy. You might want to plan it together. First pick your romantic destination. In order to make the evening really memorable, you don't need to spend a lot of money but you do need to spend some time and creativity on what will make the night special.
After you've chosen what destination appeals to you, start doing some research to discover what details you can add to your home to make you and your partner feel "transported". The easiest way to do this is to consider your senses:
Sight: What colors, fabrics and accessories do you identify with this location? For example, Morocco is all about rich jewel tones, so creating a Moroccan picnic in your living room with some colorful pillows and a few brightly colored sheets could be the beginning of a very romantic night.
Sound: What types of music do they play in this location? Borrowing a CD from the library or finding an online radio station) of traditional ukulele music creates the perfect background for your at-home Hawaiian luau for two.
Taste: What foods and drinks do you and your partner enjoy from this culture? You can cook or pre-purchase yummy appetizers or an entire meal based on food from your ideal romantic getaway location. If you've set your sights on the Caribbean, why not plan to make some tropical cocktails to help set the mood? You can even get those cute little paper umbrellas for a special touch.
Smell: This can usually be accomplished through whatever food or drink is involved in your plans, but can also be accomplished through scented candle can help you escape the walls of your house or apartment (making some no-fire s'mores might be fun too!)
Touch: This can include the textures you use to decorate your room or even what clothes you choose to wear for your romantic evening.
Don't forget about the lighting. Using sting lights, candles or even just covering lampshades with a sheer fabric in colors like red, orange or blue can help turn your ordinary living room into an exotic location. Just be careful of any fire hazards and do not place any fabric directly on a light bulb or leave candles unattended - blaring smoke alarms can quickly kill the mood you've worked so hard to create.